Authors: David Fellows and John Leonardo PFMConnect’s state-owned enterprise (SOE) Board on Pinterest for the first half of the current year demonstrates the financial burden that SOEs can impose on governments and the resulting dilemmas that arise. SOE services range…
State-owned enterprise Reform Roundup
An International eCollaboration Route to Public Service Reform
Author: David Fellows Governance of public affairs is a complex topic. It includes the processes by which decisions are made, the means by which service performance is assessed, the standards of behaviour to which public servants are held, the transparency…
Commonwealth Africa Anti-Corruption Programme Evaluation
Background Last year the Commonwealth Secretariat commissioned PFMConnect Ltd to undertake an independent evaluation of its Africa Anti-Corruption Programme. Stakeholders consulted Views were obtained through discussions with officials from Commonwealth Africa countries, the Commonwealth Africa Anti-Corruption Centre in Botswana (…
Public financial management weaknesses can lead to corruption
Mauritania’s experience Global corruption trends Two recent reports on Global corruption trends highlight a number of states facing serious challenges and our analysis indicates some interesting links between corruption and standards of public financial management. Transparency International’s recently released 2016…