Postscript to Combating corruption and public financial management


A brief comment

The 12 May 2016 London Anti-Corruption summit communique available here sets out an extensive list of proposals and recommendations for addressing international corruption. The proposed actions for addressing corruption in the public sector include many of the recommended actions set out in our “Corruption and public financial management” presentation and our “International Development and the Challenge of Public Sector Corruption” blog.

Who attended the London Anti-Corruption summit? Check out the attendance list here.

Combating corruption and public financial management



Corruption has a highly damaging effect on many developing countries. In this presentation, we define corruption, provide examples of public sector corruption and examine its effects (and the costs). We look at the relationship between public financial management (PFM) and corruption and present actions to combat corruption. We also discuss the role of development partners in assisting PFM reforms.