Foresight Africa 2016

JL foresight Africa 2016-01-08

Read Foresight Africa 2016 from the Brookings Institution

This publication provides a discussion of six overarching themes that place Africa at a tipping point in 2016.

Read this publication here.

Doing Business 2015 Sub-Saharan Africa


Read Doing Business 2015

Sub-Saharan Africa

Read the Doing Business 2015 regional profile for Sub-Saharan Africa. Learn how easy or difficult it is for local entrepreneurs to establish and run small to medium-size businesses when complying with relevant regulations.

The quality of public financial management (PFM) in business regulatory agencies inevitably impacts on their operational performance which in turn impacts on entrepreneurs.

Human Development Report 2015

HDR coverimage

Read UNDP’s Human Development Report 2015


The report discusses how work can assist improvements in human development. The contents will interest a wide range of stakeholder groups.

The report can be accessed here: Human Development Report 2015.


Kenya’s public procurement policy: A women’s perspective


We have prepared a SlideShare presentation that discusses the results of PFMConnect’s recent online survey of members of Kenya’s Federation of Women Entrepreneurs Associations (FEWA) that addressed FEWA members’ perceptions of the government’s current public procurement policies. FEWA members responded during August and September 2015.

The survey demonstrates the impact of Kenya’s present high levels of corruption on women entrepreneur’s perceptions of current public procurement policies. Details of FEWA members’ suggestions for improving current public procurement policies are also presented.

You can view the presentation at Kenya’s public procurement policy: A women’s perspective. This supplements the material presented in our recent blog Public sector procurement in Kenya.